Sunday, October 30, 2011


As I sit here at home, with no power inside and seeing snow outside, it's hard to believe that only a week ago I was enjoying the warmth and Red Rocks of Sedona. How can winter come on us when we are only 5 weeks into autumn? Oh well, this is New England after all, and things will change soon enough. Speaking of New England, the Patriots are doing miserably today...another dark cloud...hopefully that will turn around, too.
We have great memories of the trip...everything went well and we left the Southwest wanting more. As a matter of fact, just for fun, we were looking up property for sale in Sedona...that's what snow and cold will do!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Judy Hartman said...

I guess you DID love it Janice! A bit of a contrast in weather, yes?